Marketing medical devices

Marketing medical devices, harnessing the power of video

If marketing is your thing, then you probably know how important words such as compelling, informative, persuasive or entertaining can be to your campaigns. They might well be words you have given a lot of thought to in the past, in an effort to sell your product or idea to the wider world.

Of course there a countless ways to market a thing, some work…while some end their lives filed away in the waste bin, we learn (if we’re smart) and we move on. Sooner or later a formula develops, and presto! We know what we are doing; we know what works for that particular thing…

That’s a broad generalisation of course, but you get the idea, marketing is all about tapping in to that precious part of people’s hearts and minds. The part that compels, informs, persuades and entertains. But what about marketing in an industry where the phrase ‘customer care’ takes on a whole new level of importance, and where the procurement of equipment, devices and apparatus is taken incredibly seriously?


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