How do you apply video content to your marketing strategy?

How do you apply video content to your marketing strategy?

As videos are becoming more effective tools for marketing campaigns, they’re also becoming more popular with busy mobile-device users:

    33%​ of tablet owners watches about an hour of video on their devices every day
    28% of smartphone users watches a video on their devices at least once a day

​M​any web users who want to be ​simultaneously ​entertained ​and ​educated​ prefer video content​ – as long as it doesn’t take more than a few minutes. ​Mobile web users have notoriously short attention spans, and even desktop viewers are unlikely to wait around for a long video to load if they even commit to watching it.

The key to creating effective video content that ​drives traffic is a strategy for ​short, high-impact clips​​​. ​It’s a tall order when you must also pack personality into each video: ​People respond to formats that feel personal and accessible. ​​Video content that educat​es and entertai​ns yields the ultimate ROI....


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