Showing posts from March, 2018
How do you apply video content to your marketing strategy?
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How do you apply video content to your marketing strategy? As videos are becoming more effective tools for marketing campaigns, they’re also becoming more popular with busy mobile-device users: 33% of tablet owners watches about an hour of video on their devices every day 28% of smartphone users watches a video on their devices at least once a day Many web users who want to be simultaneously entertained and educated prefer video content – as long as it doesn’t take more than a few minutes. Mobile web users have notoriously short attention spans, and even desktop viewers are unlikely to wait around for a long video to load if they even commit to watching it. The key to creating effective video content that drives traffic is a strategy for short, high-impact clips. It’s a tall order when you must also pack personality into each video: People respond to formats that feel personal and accessible. Video content that educate...
Why do restaurants need video marketing?
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Why do restaurants need video marketing ? The restaurant and cafe industry sits right in the middle of three of the hottest trends in technology today: Social, mobile and local. “However, most companies today in the restaurant and cafe industry are doing a poor job with marketing, and are almost non-existent with doing video,” said Conrad . He said the reason for that is they continue to make the mistaken assumption that doing online video must be very cost-prohibitive. “Most small businesses in the restaurant and food service industry aren’t going to want to hire a professional company to do their video , but that doesn’t mean they don’t have lots of opportunities for low-cost video,” said Conrad. “You can do successful video online that engages with your customers by hiring Comelite Design Studio. If your restaurant still does not have promotional video, do not waste your time and let’s start your video ad. How?
The Power of Video Marketing [Infographic]
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The Power of Video Marketin g [Infographic] Video Marketing is the hottest trend in the online marketing industry. Every day 100 Million internet users watch a video online and this number is expected to grow dramatically in the next few years. Using video is a powerful and cheap way to engage your potential and current audience. This research shows that by simply showcasing your product or service , you will appear more trustworthy to consumers. But does that mean it is the right format to advertise your business? The answer is yes! Did you know that people that view a product video are 64% more likely to buy the product ? How about you? Do you use videos to promote your business? This infographic conveys some reasons why you should.
Should you even bother with video marketing? [Infographic]
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Should you even bother with video marketing? [Infographic] Should you even bother with Video Marketing ? 64% people are this much more likely to buy from you if you have a video on your website! 1 good video is equivalent to 1.8 m words or 3600 webpages! (that's a lot of reading) 50% of users take further action in some form if they watch a video on your website 4X as many leads from your website as the result of including video marketing (on average) Yes, Because video rocks!
10 Reasons why you should use an explainer animation videos
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10 Reasons why you should use an explainer animation videos 20 years ago, if you said cartoons were for kids, nobody would’ve argued with you. But things have changed. Nowadays, they’re not only extremely popular amongst all age groups, but are also used by some of the largest organizations in the world to explain complex issues. So why are they so popular? Cause we’re all kids at heart! I know I certainly am! This is the reason we enjoy watching these 2D or 3D characters or objects moving, talking, or skipping across our smartphone or PC screens. So, what are the benefits of this creative fun style for your company? Here’s 10. 1 Increase Conversion Rates 2Clarify the Objective of Your Product 3 Generate Increased Interest 4 Rank Better in Google Search 5 Increase Web Traffic 6 Help Your Audience Retain Information 7 Liven Up Your Pitch with a Sense of Humor 8 Grab Audience Attention 9 Easily Shareable 10 Showcase Your Personality http://comelite-studi...
What are the best business video styles?
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What are the best business video styles? While so many resources and time are committed to advertising products and services through various forms of marketing, it only takes a brilliant video marketing strategy to do the trick. There are many business video styles out there coming up to fulfill the demand by so many start-ups. As a result, you might get a video version of a writer’s block when deciding ... For inquiries, visit / to get the best-customized business videos. Dream it! See it One of our Branding videos:
Comelite Cloud | Salesforce Consultants that Create Unique Solutions
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Comelite Cloud | Salesforce Consultants that Create Unique Solutions
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How UPS Deliver to Customers in Saudi Arabia as committed
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Peaceful Music, Relaxing Music, Instrumental Music "Peaceful Dawn" by Ti...
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SAK Branding Video Production Story
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SAK Branding Video Production Story Most Marketing and Human Resource Management departments are seeking to develop a consistent and connected story behind their brand. Instead of resorting to the conventional branding video production techniques, key players in various industries now prefer branding video by shooting. This type of video shoot is done on location involving senior management ranks and employee files. It alludes to the role played by each organization entity. Ultimately, the video elicits a desired reaction from the target audience that is in line with the goals of the company or organization. At CDS , we work with our clients in a clear, step wise process to ensure that their branding video production process is given due diligence. Eighteen months ago, our marketing team received an email from SAK , a leading design, and architecture firm in the KSA....
Benefits of Mechanical 3D Product Animation
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Benefits of Mechanical 3D Product Animation Mechanical 3D animation has come a long way in the recent years and is now considered faster and more affordable to use when it comes to depicting product imagery accurately. As a result, this technique is now finding widespread adoption as compared to archaic methods such as building scale models , which take time, are costlier, and use the more raw material. Today, many industries such as mechanical, aerospace, automobile, healthcare, and even the food industry are looking at 3D product design and mechanical product animation as a means to prototype faster, get to market quicker, and in certain cases, promote their brand or product amongst investors in a better fashion. what exactly comprises a mechanical 3D animation? Ideally, a mechanical animation consists of the following in some capacity or another – Realistic texturing and lighting of the product Studio
The benefits of typography video?
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The benefits of typography video ? Text Trumps Images and Videos The folks at the Nielsen Norman Group spend a lot of time studying the eye movements of average web users. They use heat maps to track the points on web pages that are viewed more often than others. Their research uncovered some interesting facts. For example, one study revealed that while 22% of initial eye fixations were on graphics, 78% were in the text. This particular study was related specifically to news readers, and arguably there is a good reason why they are more interested in words than in pictures, but this is not an isolated example. People searching through multiple pages looking for something specific tend to show similar patterns of eye-fixation. Generally, there is an “F” shaped pattern, where readers first focus on headlines and then scan the page looking for what they need. When they find something interesting, the pattern changes to a more predictable block shape, showing that they are re...
What is an info-graphic video?
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What is an info-graphic video and why do we need info-graphic videos in our business? For the uninitiated, info-graphics video “Are graphic visual representations of information , data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly.” In other words, an info-graphic collects data, organizes it, and turns this information into an easy to understand visual, such as a chart or map. So, why and how are these graphs so beneficial? Studies show that 90 percent of the information that we remember is based on visual impact. Include that tidbit with the fact that we live in an age where literally billions of pieces of content are created every minute, and you can easily understand why a simple visual aid can make your brand stand out. Below are 6 benefits of using info-graphic videos: 1. Info-graphic videos are Eye-Catching Info-graphic videos are more eye-catching than printed words, since they combine images, colors, movement, and conten...
The benefits of marketing video
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Why do we need video ? Video has the potential to transmit large amounts of information . A simple 2 3 second video can transmit tons of historical, emotional, and academic information simply from the imagery portrayed in the shot. After you create your own video, you can use it to communicate in ways that other marketing tools don’t. The reason video is more persuasive than other types of content is the human brain requires emotional input to make decisions. And no technology is better at conveying emotion than video. Video caters to the brain’s visual and auditory systems, picking up on cues like body language, facial expressions, imagery and music . This elicits an emotional bond that will influence a person’s choices and actions. In fact, studies show that over 80% of people say they are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it.
How video marketing can help you revolutionize your brand & business
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How video marketing can help you revolutionize your brand & business Nearly all of us are involved in at least one type of marketing to enhance our business opportunities and revenue. Marketing in any way for our brand(s), business(es) and even ourselves is considered absolutely crucial in this day and age when people are spending most of their minutes and hours online, and less in real-life relationships. It doesn’t matter if you are involved in smaller or large-scale projects continuing for months and years, marketing is a must for every single person involved in some kind of business. Business development relies extensively on marketing as such efforts place you on the map, if you will, and can even assist you in establishing your business from ground up. Statistics in 2016 showed no marketing channel is as effective as video marketing, and this is a proven fact. If a picture is equivalent to a thousand words, each video minute has the value of 1.8 millio...
How do you develop a video marketing strategy when your
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How do you develop a video marketing strategy when your entire budget is low? Fortunately, video advertising doesn’t have to break the bank . Although today’s viewers expect an exceptional level of quality, a small investment of time and money can result in the next viral video. We outline the steps involved in developing a scalable video marketing strategy on a startup budget. Step 1: Understand the purpose of your video marketing strategy A video marketing strategy is going to struggle if its sole objective is to “sell more widgets”. Though that may be the ultimate goal, but if you incorporate too much self-promotional content in your marketing strategy, it will be perceived as spammy and go unnoticed. The goal of your video marketing strategy should be to educate, entertain, and inspire your viewers – this is the content that gets shared and remembered. Although you still want to drive the viewer to the next step, your goal shouldn’t be for them to walk away f...
Why you need to use Video Marketing for your Mobile App?
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Why you need to use Video Marketing for your Mobile App? IIn a wоrld соnѕumеd by thе Intеrnеt , уоu need tо еxраnd уоur marketing strategy tо inсludе vidео mаrkеting in order tо convey your brand tо уоur target audience mоrе еffесtivеlу. It is now аn important раrt оf a holistic рlаn fоr marketing. Vidео mаrkеting сrеаtеѕ a stronger bоnd with thе tаrgеt audience. You can соnvеу a lоt more thrоugh videos, аѕ уоu саn use ѕоund, imagery and асtiоn. Thiѕ gives lifе tо уоur brаnd. Anоthеr imроrtаnt аѕресt of video mаrkеting iѕ thаt it helps уоu to gauge уоur audience’s rеасtiоn. It iѕ a hоliѕtiс ѕtrаtеgу оf mаrkеting that entertains and educates in a ѕuреriоr mаnnеr to оthеr marketing fоrmѕ. When wе tаlk аbоut аll thе SEO tесhniԛuеѕ thаt wоrk tоdау, vidео mаrkеting iѕ certainly оnе of them. It hеlрѕ уоu drivе mоrе trаffiс to уоur wеbѕitе аnd gain more popularity оn thе intеrnеt.
Video Marketing By The Numbers [Info-graphic]
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Video Marketing Not convinced video marketing is the way of the future. Here are a few statistics to help you understand exactly how popular video marketing has become in recent years, according to news shared by HubSpot: The video is projected to claim more than 80% of all web traffic by 2019. Adding a video to marketing emails can boost click-through rates by 200-300% Embedding videos on landing pages can increase conversion rates by 80% 90% of customers report that product videos help them make purchasing decisions. According to YouTube, mobile video consumption grows by 100% every year. 64% of customers are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video about it. 87% of online marketers are currently using video content in their digital marketing strategies. A third of all the time people spend online is dedicated to watching videos. Video ads now account for more than 35% of all ad spending online. 59% of company decision makers would rathe...
Ten reasons to hire CDS!
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Ten reasons to hire CDS! Why choose Comelite Design Studio to create your video? Video production companies abound in all over the world , but not all companies are created equally, and neither is their work. As a small, methodically growing business , we create hand-crafted videos in collaboration with our customers . Our job is to ensure your message shines in a world of blistering efficiency. Need a Quote? Ten reasons to hire us: We are filmmakers at heart, which means we are attentive to every detail of the production process. We have a fast turnaround time: sometimes within a week. We are able to maximize any budget and do more with less. We continuously upgrade our video and camera equipment to keep ahead of industry standards. We listen to your story like we listen to grandpa’s fireside tales: attentive to every word We have flexible payment options to fit your timelines and budgets. We are sculptors of light, alterers of time and honors of sound:...
Health On-The-Go!
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Health On-the-Go! Like any other startup, in any field, a healthcare startup needs to make all the necessary efforts to attract new customers , build a sense of trust and loyalty and convert target audience into customers. Effective branding and marketing techniques are thus very important to ensure all of the above mentioned results are achieved. As a healthcare company you need to be extra vigilant and sure about the content that you offer to your audience. Unlike a fashion startup you cannot rely on trends but need to rely on hard facts that make customers trust you and your knowledge. Video marketing is known to be one of the most effective marketing tools when executed right. If you are a startup and planning to start video marketing for your healthcare products and services, here’s how to start: Analyze First analyze your existing audience and make a list of relevant video topics that target your existing consumer base. This includes the general age bracket, dem...
Advantages of Using Video for Your Event Organization
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Every event organizer knows how challenging it can be to maintain all the attendees until the end of an event. Not to mention the high competition and arrival of new technology. In order to stay ahead in the industry, you have to create a memorable event without getting out of the budget. This is the main reason why people will keep referring their friends to your services. Amongest the options available to put the wow factor in your event is by using videos . The main advantages of using video for your event organization There are numerous benefits that business owners and event organizers can get just by using video marketing in their promotional efforts as well as in the live events . These might include but not limited to the following; Videos are easily shareable: People like watching good and exciting stuff. Being an event organizer, you want as many attendees as possible, right? Having a video of the same makes it easily shareable on social and other discussion...
Why do restaurants need video marketing?
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The restaurant and cafe industry sits right in the middle of three of the hottest trends in technology today: Social, mobile and local. “However, most companies today in the restaurant and cafe industry are doing a poor job with marketing, and are almost non-existent with doing video ,” said Conrad. He said the reason for that is they continue to make the mistaken assumption that doing online video must be very cost-prohibitive. “Most small businesses in the restaurant and food service industry aren’t going to want to hire a professional company to do their video, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have lots of opportunities for low-cost video,” said Conrad. “You can do successful video online that engages with your customers by hiring Comelite Design Studio. If your restaurant still does not have promotional video, do not waste your time and let’s start your video ad. How?...