
Showing posts from April, 2018

comelite Design Studio Ramadan 2018


WARWICK hotel - Promotinal video


Testimonial-Mohammed Kola


What is an explainer video?

What is an explainer video ? Are you considering investing in an explainer video this year? You know; the videos that explain your product or service in 60-90 seconds? Explainer videos are a great way to engage potential customers and familiarize them with your business. The hard part is to get them right. An explainer video is a short video clip with an average length of 1 minute used by Companies to introduce themselves or products and service provided by the same. Explainer videos contain more visual content and a narrator voice explaining everything in the video.  This can be in the form of an explainer animated video.  Many people today prefer using animations when creating advertisement videos as they are cheaper and easy to manage.

Haywood Pina Clada Drink


Bizdaq Services




CDS-Iftar Party-Ramadan2018


Be Thou My Vision - Camille Nelson w/Alex Sharpe


Rasa Med App


AstraZeneca Gulf Health Care


RASAMED in Arabic


Rolex Sea Dweller product video

Rolex Sea Dweller product video We created this video for the Rolex Sea-Dweller Deepsea watch company. After the introduction of the original version introduced in August 2014, this is the newly released Replica Edition which fulfills all the features you desire. First, we did the shooting from all parts of this watch closely showing how does each part works and then created the video with using some special effects.



The benefits of typography video?


Auto Cars in Spain


Time 2 travel Branding video


Website Intro Videos Using Animated Explainer

Website Intro Videos Using Animated Explainer The best way to introduce your company, website or product to the online market today is by creating an explainer video. Explainer videos give first-hand information on what you do, and what your product benefits the public with. It is, therefore, important for every business or website owner to create a video clip detailing services offered in the same, And their benefits. Adverts through video clips convert more than any other form of advertisement online this is because a message with visual prompts is easier to perceive than written one.  Handling and Creating Intro Explainer Animation videos The main aim of producing web intro explainer videos is to attract the audience attention. Explainer videos should be remarkably short, though give enough information to make the audience want to log into the website. Although everything may seem important, you need to pick the essentials and make an interesting captivating vide...

Bingabinga e-Commerce


You've Got a Friend in Me (Toy Story Song) - 3-Year-Old Claire Ryann and...


Comelite Design Studio


International School Listings - 2D Animation


Travel cities for the world video


Hand gesture logo video


Why video marketing is vital for any travel agency

Why video marketing is vital for any travel agency A good way to effectively market a service is through appealing to the customer’s eye. Being able to use travel agency video marketing is neither easy nor an uphill task. Comelite Design Studio provides one of the most sought after travel agencies' video marketing packages. Many businesses in the travel and hospitality industries have to find ways of attracting new customers to stay on the game. Using video marketing strategies in travel agencies reduces the risk of low ROI. They have a remarkable reputation when it comes providing video marketing services for travel agencies. It is vital for any travel agency to master six strategies and gain a competitive edge over those still dragging their feet. Resembling one-stop travel agency Travel agencies handle many clients concurrently across the globe. This goes to show there is plenty of multi-tasking that occurs. To this end, a travel agency’s video marketing strategy...

Neospeech tool & product


Time 2 travel Branding video


Health On-The-Go!

Health On-The-Go! Health On-the-Go! Like any other startup , in any field, a healthcare startup needs to make all the necessary efforts to attract new customers, build a sense of trust and loyalty and convert target audience into customers. Effective branding and marketing techniques are thus very important to ensure all of the above mentioned results are achieved. As a healthcare company you need to be extra vigilant and sure about the content that you offer to your audience. Unlike a fashion startup you cannot rely on trends but need to rely on hard facts that make customers trust you and your knowledge. Video marketing is known to be one of the most effective marketing tools when executed right. If you are a startup and planning to start video marketing for your healthcare products and services, here’s how to start...

EZIOM Branding video


Testimonial by Kristina Bagamery


Akos Medical App introduction video


Intro & Outro - Video Production - Comelite


Hotel 3D Animation


Outer Orbital Energy - Explainer video


Explainer Videos for Startups

Explainer Videos for Startups Advertising a startup business can be difficult, especially when you’re offer a new product or service. Not only are you trying to establish a new brand, but you have the assignment of explaining what you do and how it’s different from every other company. Oh, and did we mention that most people have short interest times? They probably aren’t going to sit down through an extended presentation or read a ten web page whitepaper. So what can a startup video do? The answer is simple: you need an explainer video . Short, Explanative, and To the Point By now, you know what an explainer video is: a brief video (one to three minutes) that introduces customers to your company or product and explains what you do in an entertaining and compelling way. An explainer video is not a commercial or an income pitch, even though they frequently include a name to action. It’s an intro designed to attract potential leads and later on convert t...

Should you even bother with video marketing?

Should you even bother with video marketing ? Should you even bother with video marketing? 64% people are this much more likely to buy from you if you have a video on your website! 1 good video is equivalent to 1.8 m words or 3600 webpages! (that’s a lot of reading) 50% of users take further action in some form if they watch a video on your website 4X as many leads from your website as the result of including video marketing (on average) Yes, Because video rocks!

Why Should I Use Video On My Business Website?

Why Should I Use Video On My Business Website ? If you’re a small business owner, you’ve likely heard the motto “content is king” to describe the importance of content marketing. And while written content is effective for many audiences, visual marketing is an even more powerful tool to increase interactions and actions. Forrester Research takes the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” one step further by adding that a one-minute video is worth 1.8 million words. Considering that 46 percent of people who watch a video ad on a business website take action after viewing it, it makes sense to include video in your marketing strategy. Here are six reasons why you should use video on your business website: 1. Rank better in Google One of the factors of Google ’s algorithm for search rankings is “dwell time,” or how long visitors stay on your website. This may also be referred to as “long clicks vs. short clicks.” The idea is that if people are spending a lot of time...

CFD Bonds


Why Simplicity in Video Content Attracts Clients

Why Simplicity in Video Content Attracts Clients We all watch videos . Lots and lots of videos (if time allows it). We have all played and then abruptly closed hundreds of videos throughout our lives. We all long for a good story to watch during our busy hours. Since it’s my profession, I’ve thought a lot about why I tend to close so many videos that people have actually put a lot of energy into making. And on the other hand, what is it that not only provokes me to watch a video to the very end but actually brings me to like and share it with others? Well, there are actually many factors, but one of the most important is simplicity. I can’t stress this enough to my clients. They all come to me with pages of technical content, asking me to include it all in their video. Well, I get bored just reading the stuff, let alone watching it in a video to be. I mean with so many choices out there in online video content, people get bored and distracted really easily. So why would yo...

The Science Behind Why Video Works

The Science Behind Why Video Works Our experience of the world is perceived 83% with our sense of sight. Hearing ranks next at 11%, and smell, touch, and taste rank 3%, 2%, and 1% respectively. Think about it: What content would be better structured as an image or a video, rather than a bullet-list? It’s true that video is an art but first of all it’s a Science . Here’s what you need to know about the science of video: Video is visually stimulating Videos are 12 times more likely to be watched than text is to be read. That’s in part because movement is known to grab attention. Paying attention to motion is a skill that humans have always used to survive; it’s part of our DNA .

The benefits of animated explainer video for your business

Animated explainer video Animated explainer videos have quickly gained recognition as the most effective form of advertising. Many companies are going out of their way; pulling all stops they can to ensure that they have an explainer video for their advert campaigns. Cartoon explainer videos cost less and are as effective as real videos. It is all a matter of having the right script, use of the right words, keeping short and precise, and above all use of good animation. Any video ad should tell a story, short as it may be, the impact should transcend that amount of time taken to view the video. Such should be the goals in making an animated explainer video . Conversely, the cartoon should depict the message being passed to the target audience. It should also be captivation with a touch of humor. Animation makers should notice to these pointers when they aim to create an animated explainer video: The Animation: Opting to use animated ads is seems overly misdirected esp...

The benefits of marketing video

Marketing video Why do we need video ? Video has the potential to transmit large amounts of information . A simple 2 3 second video can transmit tons of historical, emotional, and academic information simply from the imagery portrayed in the shot. After you create your own video, you can use it to communicate in ways that other marketing tools don’t. The reason video is more persuasive than other types of content is the human brain requires emotional input to make decisions. And no technology is better at conveying emotion than video. Video caters to the brain’s visual and auditory systems, picking up on cues like body language , facial expressions, imagery and music. This elicits an emotional bond that will influence a person’s choices and actions...

Find why video is a vital marketing tool [Infographic]

Find why video is a vital marketing tool [ Infographic ] The video is truly a world of difference as to how you communicate thru your contents with your watchers. Believing the fact that your content may not have been received and addressed in the form or amount that you had expected; you will have to decide on using other techniques for creating that required marketing engagement. A lively playing media will convey your message clearer in just short minutes. However good your writing, some people find it easier to grasp information visually; others find it easier to listen. It’s a noticeable point that not everyone will read out your typed words. The safest method is to provide your business message in every possible form so that it can capture the attention of a wider audience. This vital marketing tool can back you up permanently on commercial trends as well as increase your email traffic...

Health On-The-Go!

Health On-The-Go! Health On-the-Go! Like any other startup, in any field, a healthcare startup needs to make all the necessary efforts to attract new customers, build a sense of trust and loyalty and convert target audience into customers. Effective branding and marketing techniques are thus very important to ensure all of the above mentioned results are achieved. As a healthcare company you need to be extra vigilant and sure about the content that you offer to your audience. Unlike a fashion startup you cannot rely on trends but need to rely on hard facts that make customers trust you and your knowledge. Video marketing is known to be one of the most effective marketing tools when executed right. If you are a startup and planning to start video marketing for your healthcare products and services, here’s how to start:

WAREify Branding video


In memory of Shynia


CFD Bonds


Food & Salad Ideas


Neospeech tool & product


Why you need to use Video Marketing for your Mobile App?

Why you need to use Video Marketing for your Mobile App? In a wоrld соnѕumеd by thе Intеrnеt, уоu need tо еxраnd уоur marketing strategy tо inсludе vidео mаrkеting in order tо convey your brand tо уоur target audience mоrе еffесtivеlу. It is now аn important раrt оf a holistic рlаn fоr marketing . Vidео mаrkеting сrеаtеѕ a stronger bоnd with thе tаrgеt audience. You can соnvеу a lоt more thrоugh videos, аѕ уоu саn use ѕоund, imagery and асtiоn. Thiѕ gives lifе tо уоur brаnd. Anоthеr imроrtаnt аѕресt of video mаrkеting iѕ thаt it helps уоu to gauge уоur audience’s rеасtiоn. It iѕ a hоliѕtiс ѕtrаtеgу оf mаrkеting that entertains and educates in a ѕuреriоr mаnnеr to оthеr marketing fоrmѕ. When wе tаlk аbоut аll thе SEO tесhniԛuеѕ thаt wоrk tоdау, vidео mаrkеting iѕ certainly оnе of them. It hеlрѕ уоu drivе mоrе trаffiс to уоur wеbѕitе аnd gain more popularity оn thе intеrnеt.

Baby monitor app video- English version


MyKashta explainer video


Bingabinga e-Commerce


Aviation Channel


Kasocio - Whiteboard




How to make an explainer video


Nango TV whiteboard


Metro Shoes 3D Logo


Health On-The-Go!

Health On-The-Go! Health On-the-Go! Like any other startup, in any field, a healthcare startup needs to make all the necessary efforts to attract new customers, build a sense of trust and loyalty and convert target audience into customers. Effective branding and marketing techniques are thus very important to ensure all of the above mentioned results are achieved. As a healthcare company you need to be extra vigilant and sure about the content that you offer to your audience. Unlike a fashion startup you cannot rely on trends but need to rely on hard facts that make customers trust you and your knowledge. Video marketing is known to be one of the most effective marketing tools when executed right. If you are a startup and planning to start video marketing for your healthcare products and services, here’s how to start: Analyze First analyze your existing audience and make a list of relevant video topics that target your existing consumer base. This includes the gen...

Advanced Color Lighting app explainer video


Australian ISRA, Studies of Religion Organization video


Outer Orbital Energy - Explainer video




Why do restaurants need video marketing?

Why do restaurants need video marketing ? The restaurant and cafe industry sits right in the middle of three of the hottest trends in technology today: Social, mobile and local. “However, most companies today in the restaurant and cafe industry are doing a poor job with marketing, and are almost non-existent with doing video,” said Conrad. He said the reason for that is they continue to make the mistaken assumption that doing online video must be very cost-prohibitive. “Most small businesses in the restaurant and food service industry aren’t going to want to hire a professional company to do their video, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have lots of opportunities for low-cost video ,” said Conrad. “You can do successful video online that engages with your customers by hiring Comelite Design Studio. If your restaurant still does not have promotional video, do not waste your time and let’s start your video ad. How?...

Branding video of Crepe Bechamel Interior Restaurant Design


ReGive Crowdfunding


:What is an info-graphic video?

What is an info-graphic video and why do we need info-graphic videos in our business? For the uninitiated, info-graphics video “Are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly.” In other words, an info-graphic collects data, organizes it, and turns this information into an easy to understand visual, such as a chart or map. So, why and how are these graphs so beneficial? Studies show that 90 percent of the information that we remember is based on visual impact. Include that tidbit with the fact that we live in an age where literally billions of pieces of content are created every minute, and you can easily understand why a simple visual aid can make your brand stand out. Below are 6 benefits of using info-graphic videos:....

final revision


2D Agriculture animation Al-Afagh


Lyric of black&white-Typography


LifeBiorest Environmental Project


Comelite Restaurant Projects


Comelite Design Studios Quadcopter showreel


Lyric of black&white-Typography


Why video marketing is vital for any travel agency

Why video marketing is vital for any travel agency A good way to effectively market a service is through appealing to the customer’s eye. Being able to use travel agency video marketing is neither easy nor an uphill task. Comelite Design Studio provides one of the most sought after travel agencies ' video marketing packages. Many businesses in the travel and hospitality industries have to find ways of attracting new customers to stay on the game. Using video marketing strategies in travel agencies reduces the risk of low ROI. They have a remarkable reputation when it comes providing video marketing services for travel agencies. It is vital for any travel agency to master six strategies and gain a competitive edge over those still dragging their feet.

Aviation Channel


Part 1 - Introducing DocoSmart


The flowers of happiness! ... (Music Denis Sembach)


EIFAD Saudi Chartered Airlines


Find why video is a vital marketing tool [Infographic]

The video is truly a world of difference as to how you communicate thru your contents with your watchers. Believing the fact that your content may not have been received and addressed    in the form or amount that you had expected; you will have to decide on using other techniques for creating that required marketing engagement. A lively playing media will convey your message clearer in just short minutes. However good your writing, some people find it easier to grasp information visually; others find it easier to listen. It’s a noticeable point that not everyone will read out your typed words.